About Me & My Mission
I have learned that the names we are given can be stories within themselves.
I was born in Raleigh, NC, and given the name of my father: Miguel Gladiolo Wilson. Gladiolo stems from my Dominican roots, as a Spanish name derived from the Gladiolus flower (Sword Lily), which gets its name from the Latin word for sword, gladius. A younger me was confused and embarrassed to have been given such a different middle name, especially one stuck between two others that don’t seem to match. Now, I see how beautiful and strong these letters strewn together can be.
Growing up in Atlanta, at some point in elementary school, I was gifted the nickname “Miggle,” much to the dismay of my parents. I think it had something to do with “Muggle” from Harry Potter, but before I knew it, the name seemed to precede me.
As a 15 year old, I moved to Texas, on my own, to pursue my passion of riding horses on the national stage. Horses were my escape in many ways, and it’s with the clarity of someone a little older that I see how they saved me. High school was very different for me: no lockers and no proms. I split my time studying online, helping to manage barns, and driving horse trailers and RVs to horse shows across the United States. Yet again, I was gifted a name: this time “Migs.” When I think of this name, I remember the love and support that surrounded me as I pursued what felt like the first thing that truly lit a fire within me. After accomplishing my dream, competing in some of the most prestigious horse shows in the country, without ever owning a horse of my own, I shifted my focus to academia.
As a student at American University in DC, I was fortunate to reap a myriad of opportunities, most importantly being able to study abroad in both Seoul, South Korea and Berlin, Germany during my junior year. College was the first time in my life that I realized I was arguably the only person standing in the way of my traveling the world. I applied to scholarships, saved up my money, and booked my tickets.
It’s through my travels that I found not only my voice come to the surface, but also my thoughts being challenged and reshaped. I’ve always been of smaller stature, but I was truly humbled to realized just how small I am, in the crazy expanse that is our globe. Thousands of miles away from everyone and everything I knew, it seemed as though there was finally space for me to exist and think critically of the world we live in. In those moments of awakening, I craved for a way to keep the spark alive, and somehow carry with me the magic of traveling; the feeling of the world suddenly laying out right in front of you, and the answers somehow that much more within reach. I realized my writing could begin to be a vessel to do just that.
We have no idea how many days we will be gifted in this life, so to gain a sense of one’s purpose is to make the most of each moment. I want to share my stories with you all, as I wholeheartedly feel that storytelling is a critical piece of the mosaic that is my life. Here, I work to compile stories about my travels and adventures. I write it all down: the triumphs, the failures, and the trials in between. My hope is for this space to be a testament to my growth as an individual, as well as a resource for anyone looking to find inspiration, in whatever form that may take. I aim to inspire and be inspired by you all, in what I hope will become a community of travelers, of both the world and the mind.
As I continue to find the words, I thank each and everyone of you for your support and kindness. Happy reading!