Written Thoughts

Writing, for me, feels like painting. Periods and commas, like strokes on a canvas, are capable of evoking emotion. The right word, in the right sentence, can be light pouring through a window, or the somber shade of a storm cloud rolling in. The beauty of art is it’s ability to change our perspectives, and push our own understandings of life itself. Though I have plenty of ground yet to cover, this is the standard I aim to reach for in my writing, especially as I think about the world we live in today. It’s our right to see things in a new light, and there’s more solace in that than I think we give it credit for.

My work here is original content I’ve written from my introspection on life around me. Check it out, and feel free to add questions or comments!

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Lil Migs, Big World

Stories for world travelers and disruptive thinkers