Adios, 2020

This year it seems like fairytales and happily ever after are farther away than ever. In fact, we are probably the furthest one can get from sugar plums and pumpkins turning into carriages. 

In 2020, the various facades we all clung to, in one way or another came tumbling down. In bare nakedness, many were scared to finally see the truths of the world we live in. I applaud those of you that stepped up, not running and hiding from the things that make you uncomfortable. It may have seemed like your own battle, but in so many ways we all stand to benefit from each other’s growth. 

Closing my eyes, I’m thinking of the dreams and hopes that were dashed as the world, in its entirety, came to a halt. Only a year ago, buzz words like “quarantine” and “social distancing” were foreign to all of us. Now we speak this language, a tongue of cancelled plans and guidelines everyone but Florida seems to be following. On the flipside, we know now never to say never, and to open our hearts and minds in the face of adversity. 

In that same breath, life’s red lights can mean just that: stop. Productivity means nothing in a factory that is rapidly decaying. It’s been a year for slowing down and looking inward, and fixing up the parts that have been neglected. Unfortunately, I spent much of this year thinking someone else would do the repairs, and, as per usual, life had other plans. Thankfully, I have 2021 to look forward to.

In these final days, I mourn those that won’t see January 1st. Tragedy seemed to be a companion for all of us this year. Each day, a deeper, greater incalculable level of loss, slowly desensitizing us to our own impermancy. In this lifetime, to be so young and to know so much pain can feel like such an isolating experience. There is only so much one can do, it’s no wonder the youth have carved out perfect lives into their phones.

Funnily enough, it is only imperfect stories and faces that we all truly carry with us. I cherish them for what they are and only hope to see them in the light that they emit. Truthfully, I hold onto them tightly because I was never searching for them in the first place. I’m stumped, as I have no idea what formula or spell I could rely on to replicate the memories and people that have come into my life. All I can do is be grateful our paths crossed in a world where one decision can change your entire trajectory.

Most importantly, I’m conscious of the words and actions we were witness to over the past year. How in our stillness, the silence of others became so loud. I’m remaining present and understanding of the systems and figures that undoubtedly played a hand in shaping the year we all experienced. We have a way of forgiving, but I hope none of us forget.

As we enter a new year, I’m manifesting the happily ever after we all deserve. I know there is so much more in store for all of you, and I only wish you the best as you welcome this next chapter. 


Migs 🙂

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