South Korea

I studied abroad in Seoul from August to December in 2019. From any exciting, new language to a plethora of incredible food, landing in Korea was truly a shock to my senses. I received the Gilman Scholarship which paid for my semester at Yonsei University and my travels, and part of the scholarship involved a service project. For my project I was assigned to a class of elementary school students and wrote to them about my experience living in South Korea. On top of that, I committed myself to maintaining my Tumblr blog, where I posted weekly updates and posted pictures from my travels. Of course, I was there to study, so I had my classes to stay caught up in as well (PSA: don’t take finance in Korea!). Needless to say, I was quite busy, and by the end of my semester I was absolutely exhausted. Now, I’m so thankful I took advantage of the opportunities presented to me. Give me some time, but I have so many stories and, more importantly, lessons to share about my time in this incredible country!

Lil Migs, Big World

Stories for world travelers and disruptive thinkers